
Tools Used in the Sampling Process

Specific tools are needed to analyze the samples taken during the sampling process. Select one of the tools below to learn more about it, including when and where it is used during the Sampling Process.

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The Spectrophotometer

The UV-Vis Spectrophotometer is the workhorse of a developed beer quality lab. It is used to measure commonly known beer quality parameters, such as color and IBU, and lesser known parameters such as FAN, SO2, and the Thiobarbituric Acid Index.
The “budget” spectrophotometer is not cheap (in the ballpark of $3,500) in terms of lab equipment, but used ones may be found online and at university surplus sales (just ensure they have visible and UV spectrum capabilities). These are also typically the instruments that simply report absorbance/transmittance and leave any further calculations to the technician. “Black box” spectrophotometers, on the other hand, are available to the brewing industry that have built-in capabilities to report color, IBU, etc in the appropriate units. These are typically, however, sold at a premium.
