
Tools Used in the Sampling Process

Specific tools are needed to analyze the samples taken during the sampling process. Select one of the tools below to learn more about it, including when and where it is used during the Sampling Process.

The Grinder ​​

A grinder is a basic piece of laboratory or kitchen equipment that uses automated blades to grind larger solid material into particulate material. During the quality control brewing process, a grinder can be utilized for multiple tests. When performing quality control on the hops, which are responsible for a significant portion of a beer’s taste and aroma, it is customary to make a hop tea. Hop tea is made by grinding the hops using a grinder, then steeping the ground hops in hot water, and filtering the hop tea. Hop tea can then be assessed by aromatic panels for quality control sensory analysis. In a separate, but similar area of quality control, a grinder is used to grind, then steep and prepare the wort during the mash portion of brewing. The hot steep can then be used to assess extracted malt flavor. This method is considered practical and affordable by many brewers.
