
Tools Used in the Sampling Process

Specific tools are needed to analyze the samples taken during the sampling process. Select one of the tools below to learn more about it, including when and where it is used during the Sampling Process.

Distillation ​​

Distillation describes a general chemical process by which different components of a liquid are separated from one another through heating, cooling, and condensation. Since different components of a liquid have different boiling points, they can be separated and condensed when heated, as the liquid with the lower boiling point will become vapor first. Alcohol and water can be separated this way, for example. In the context of brewery quality control, distillation is utilized as part of the process to quantify the alcohol by volume (ABV) in brewed beer, as well as the quantify the content of vicinal diketones (VDK), flavor components in brewed beer. In a typical brewing sampling process, distillation is used for VDK quantification during fermentation, whereas distillation is used for ABV determination during the period when the beer is stored in Brite Tanks.
