Gas Chromatograph

Tools Used in the Sampling Process

Specific tools are needed to analyze the samples taken during the sampling process. Select one of the tools below to learn more about it, including when and where it is used during the Sampling Process.

The Gas Chromatograph ​​

A gas chromatograph is an instrument used widely in analytical chemistry to determine the identity of separate chemical components within a substance that is a mixture. This method, called gas chromatography, can be generally used to determine the identity of a substance or to purify a portion of a substance. The gas chromatograph is comprised of a solid column that is coated with liquid or polymer substance that remains within the column. During chromatography, a mobile, inert carrier gas carries the vaporized mixture through the column. Since the mixture’s separate components have different chemical properties, they will interact differently with the column’s liquid or polymer coating, and take different amounts of time to move through the column with the mobile, inert gas. In this way, the mixture components become separated. During a standard brewing quality control sampling procedure, a gas chromatograph is used to determine vicinal diketone (VDK) content during the fermentation process.
