banner 3. Beer quality and stability on the market

B. GADZOV (1), K. Jorge (2), R. Nixdorf (3), B. K. Maitin (4), C. Valdivieso (5), A. Guzhiev (1), T. Tian (1), J. G. Lopez (1), E. Canterranne (1); (1) FlavorActiV Ltd., Chinnor, U.K.; (2) FlavorActiV Ltd., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (3) FlavorActiV Ltd., De Hague, Netherlands; (4) FlavorActiV Ltd., Bangalore, India; (5) FlavorActiV Ltd., Mexico City, Mexico

Technical Session 1 - Sensory
Sunday, June 14
10:15 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Fiesta 3,4,6,8

High quality beverages, plus beverage stability and batch-to-batch consistency are essential requirements for all producers. Beer flavor is not static; it is in a constant state of change requiring sensory analysis at each stage. Understanding how the beer sensory profile can be affected by various factors is critical to delivering a consistently fresh product. Therefore aligning pre- with post-production best sensory practices will ensure high quality and stability across the market. This study describes the sensory evaluation of 18 different brands packaged in glass, can, and PET, taken from 36 locations from the market over a period of 24 months. In total 2,916 samples have been tasted by a professional, expert, in-house panel. The results will highlight the range and intensity of off-flavors produced in beer depending on the different packaging material (i.e. bottle, can, or PET). The findings will then be used to advise the producer on aspects of the supply chain that may be compromising quality, e.g. packaging supplier, transportation, storage, and so on. Additionally, comparing tasting results with analytical data for selected off-flavors will bring about a best practice sensory panel training criteria and methods for tasting and profiling market samples. Tasters have been trained and validated on 150 GMP flavor standards which are used globally by professional sensory panels within the beverage industry. The panel also compared analytical data available with some of the non-conformances detected in this study. The project aims to improve understanding of beer non-conformances in different types of packaging and storage conditions on the market, in addition to analyzing sensory good practices in tasting, comparing tasting with instrumental data, and monitoring and preventing faults and recalls. The study results are considered to be suitable to monitor beer stability after production.

Boris Gadzov has been FlavorActiV director of global sensory management since 2009. Boris began as a global sensory manger, professional trainer and adviser in brand equity, product quality, insight/innovation, and taster management. Boris has visited more than 200 breweries worldwide, and his significant language skills have helped develop business overseas and provide global beverage and multilanguage support to FlavorActiV’s customers. Before Boris joined FlavorActiV he gained a Ph.D. degree in food molecular microbiology from the University of Vienna.

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