Investigations into Yeast-Dependent Colloidal Haze​ | ASBC Webinar​​​​

Broadcast Date: March 30, 2022

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Webinar Summary

Our recent experiments have aimed to better characterize the role of yeast in promoting stable dry hop-dependent haze. Importantly, this type of haze investigated is a permanent colloidal haze and not yeast cells in suspension. We have found that specific yeast strains greatly contribute to dry hop-dependent haze and have categorized these strains as "haze positive".  British Ale V, one of the most popular strains for producing hazy IPAs, was found to be the most "haze positive" yeast among the strains we assayed. With this "haze positive" strain, we found that hop addition timing, dose rate, variety, and the type of hop product were all important factors for the development of haze. Of these variables, dry hop timing had the most dramatic impact, where early additions within the first 24 hours of fermentation were much less hazy than late additions after one week of fermentation. Overall, these findings provide several tips for optimizing the level of haze in the popular category of hazy IPAs.


  • Specific yeast strains that we term "haze positive" and "haze neutral" further describe the impact of yeast and dry hopping practices in the development of colloidal haze.
  • Which yeast would best be suited for different beer recipes based on the desired level of haze."
  • The impact yeast choice and dry hop timing can have in the development of turbidity in beer.

About the Presenters

Laura Burns

Laura Burns
Omega Yeast

Laura Burns, Ph.D. is the Director of Research and Development at Omega Yeast. After studying stress responses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for her graduate thesis at Vanderbilt University, she decided the best place to apply this knowledge was in brewing. She worked in production brewing for 5 years as Head Brewer and Director of Quality Assurance before heading back to the bench at Omega Yeast. Her undeniable curiosity drives her to tackle difficult questions that brewer's face daily.

Lance Shaner

​Lance Shaner
Omega Yeast

Lance Shaner is the Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Omega Yeast Labs in Chicago, IL, operating since 2013.   Lance received a Ph.D. in microbiology and molecular genetics from the University of Texas – Houston.  He has 11 years of laboratory experience, including 5 years of origina​l research on the stress response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a.k.a. brewer’s yeast).