Rapid analysis of hop acids in beer using solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography

MATTHEW J. TRASS (1), Phillip Koerner (1), Jeff Layne (1), Sky Countryman (1)
(1) Phenomenex, Torrance, CA

Iso-α-acids, derived from hops, have a significant impact on the taste of all beers. Therefore, monitoring the iso-α-acids profile and content during beer production and in the final product is very important. Using typical methods for analyzing these compounds can result in run times of 15–20 min or longer with undesirable peak shape. In conjunction with a quick and easy solid-phase extraction cleanup method, an improved HPLC method for iso-α-acids in beer is demonstrated using a Kinetex 2.6-µm core-shell column, resulting in improved peak shape, quantitation, and dramatically reduced analysis times.

Matthew Trass received a B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. He began employment with Phenomenex in 2006 as an application chemist. With Phenomenex he has developed GC, SPE, and LC methods, as well as conducted training seminars.