Clean—What does it mean? CCP control with ultraviolet: Where, when, how? What are the controls and solutions gained?

Cleaning/Sanitation Session
Troy D Smith, Radiant Industrial Solutions, Houston, TX, USA

ABSTRACT: Throughout the brewing process we have seen an increase in the critical control points, as well as the need to improve processing through contamination control. In air, surface, and water the effort to use UV technology is growing; however, the method to integrate this technology as a reliable means within CCP is changing through sensing technology. We now have the ability to control via UV the sanitary state of storage tanks, compressed air, air cooling, water, and water waste. UV technology is available to control cleaning methods through microbial measured disinfection directly to bottle, cap, storage tank, filling rooms, and product transport. While the technology of UV is vast in its ability accurate measurement and control of this technology is often not utilized. We have learned over many years of working with UV that air, surface, and water quality can be controlled through UV measurement. Performance standards have been established by the EPA, Ashrae, FDA, and other associations. While the EPA has provided guidelines, it is still in the hands of equipment owners to maintain a working system that will meet application requirements. Third party service groups such as Radiant Industrial Solutions, Nalco, and others work with end-users to establish working standards that are site-specific. The end-user focus should be on the reliance of a reporting system that indicates performance information critical to the operation, such as energy levels, temperature, oxygen levels, degradation, transmittance, and application operational points. With this information the UV system becomes an asset to operation through performance and data points. The data collection offers management of CCP steps through reporting differences in air, surface, and water quality. Through proper management of UV systems, processes become intelligent, with the ability to interlock and start/stop processes based on environmental conditions. The focus of technology sensing is designed to monitor the air, surface, and water quality passing through a UV system from the feed source. Performance is measured on UV penetration through air, water, and surface exposure. Within each system attributing factors are designed that will determine performance set points. Further definition of air or water quality both in application and reporting will determine how to maintain the process. The measurement ability of UV is providing the industry with the ability to offer solutions to CCP points that have not been seen in the brewhouse to date. UV sensing provides the ability to control disinfection to a level of microbial contamination control. This technology advancement is providing the industry with control methods not previously seen when discussing “Clean—What does it mean?” It is now realistic to control air, surface, and water contamination in-process to include bottle, cap, storage both in dry and liquid form, water process, waste, and recycle. The advancements in UV technology are changing processes through contamination removal that directly improves process and cleaning downtime.

Troy Smith is the president of Radiant Industrial Solutions, LLC based in Houston, TX. Troy has been in the ultraviolet air, surface, and water markets for more than 25 years. Prior to Radiant Industrial Solutions, Troy has worked with Trojan Technologies, Aquafine, Technical Connections, and Ultraviolet Systems and Equipment, as well as filtration companies. Troy has been involved in regulatory compliance, as well as organizations, including, IBWA, ISBT, Ashrae, IUVA, SGIA, Radtech, and other technical committees. Over the past 10 years Troy has been involved with product patents and process improvements, as well as providing training seminars and educational training on topics surrounding ultraviolet technologies throughout various industries and tradeshows.