​Your Key Ingredient for Sustainable Production, Water!​ | ASBC Webinar​​

Broadcast Date: November 15, 2022

View On-Demand​ Webinar

Questions? Contact Bryan Mowry at ASBC

Webinar Summary

Water makes up over 90% of beer, yet the range of how much water we use per batch varies drastically.  With an average of 7 gallons of water used per 1 gallon of beer produced, shows how much waste we have in breweries.  Not only are we paying for this on the front end, purchasing from your water utility, but we are also paying it with our wastewater treatment costs.  

Each brewery is different, so a key first step is to understand where you use water and where the opportunities to reduce usage exist.  With a list of ideas, each attendee will be given a framework to systematically prioritize the ideas that work best for them.

We will walk through an incredible system that will focus on 2-3 wwater-savingideas at your facility and ensure proper change management strategies are used to reduce risks associated with change.​


Attendees will be able to implement a systematic approach to driving down their water usage by 25%!  This system will enable the attendees to continually reevaluate their usage and prioritize new ideas.​


About the Presenter

Jamie Schild
A-Bay Engineers

Jamie Schild is a sustainability geek at heart and a Civil Engineer by trade. Jamie founded A-Bay Engineers in 2020 to drive down the environmental impacts of the Brewing Industry while driving up profits. Before A-Bay Engineers, Jamie worked for 15+ years in the environmental industry, implementing large-scale environmental and cultural change that can be seen in cities like NYC and Houston.​