banner 29. The evolution of CO2 measurement within the brewing industry: What does it bring to breweries and what will be the next step?

F. VERKOELEN (1); (1) Pentair Haffmans, Venlo, Netherlands

Technical Session 8 - Methods of Analysis
Tuesday, June 16
1:30–3:15 p.m.
Fiesta 3,4,6,8

The world of carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement is on the move. Conventional CO2 measuring principles in which equilibrium pressure and temperature are measured with a manometer and thermometer, and then CO2 content is determined with a CO2 ruler or table are becoming obsolete. Digital technology has been introduced that allows automatic calculation of the CO2 content. The latest development in measuring CO2 is in the optical direction. Two examples are attenuated total reflection (ATR) for in-line CO2 measurement and non-destructive CO2 measurement for bottled beverages. ASBC describes standard methods of CO2 determination and has set the standards for calculating CO2 content; to overcome influences of temperature on the dissolved CO2 content of a packaged beverage by controlled sample temperatures; and for compensating for the effect of foreign gases on the CO2 content of packaged beverages by measuring headspace air and volume. Developments in CO2 technology go further in the direction of selective CO2 measurement that allows measurement of dissolved CO2 without disturbance of foreign gases like nitrogen, oxygen, and/or other gasses; and CO2 principle determining the dissolved CO2 result independently of the beverage temperature by recalculating the CO2 content to a standardized temperature, e.g. 20°C. What did all these changes bring the breweries and what is the next step—total packaged CO2 (TPCO)?

Frank Verkoelen studied mechanical engineering at HTS Venlo and finished in 1982. Since 1984 Frank has worked for Pentair Haffmans, starting as a project engineer for CO2 recovery. In 1987 he changed to R&D project management and then became the R&D Manager. In 2001 Frank changed to product manager (PM) QC and became senior PM responsible for sales of QC equipment and in-line equipment. Since 2012 he has been the manager of strategic projects QC equipment and in-line equipment.

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