banner 20. Gushing Task Force: Round table on “primary gushing”

C. Schoenberger (1), G. Derdelinckx (2), M. Gastl (3), J. Titze (4), S. DECKERS (5); (1) J. Barth & Son, Nuremberg, Germany; (2) KULeuven-FBIW-LFoRCe-M2S-LiBR, Heverlee, Belgium; (3) VZWeihenstephan-TUM, Munchen, Germany; (4) Dohler GmbH, Darmstadt, German; (5) Brasserie D'Orval, Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium

Technical Session 6 - Yeast and Microbiology
Monday, June 15
2:00–3:45 p.m.
Flores 1–2

The Gushing Task Force (GTF) is a scientific group of experts involved in research on the causes of primary gushing (PG). The first concern of the GTF is to reach a scientific agreement about the basic cause and origin of PG. Target 1: Consensus on physico-chemical parameters responsible for PG in order to propose the true guidelines of a standard method. 1. It’s becoming more and more evident and accepted by the brewing industry that the energy needed to liberate the volume of foam from the glass container (bottle) is provided by the carbonic acid stored under two states: the one encapsulated under highly pressurized nanobubbles; the other one linked to the liquid by low energy bonds (van der Waals forces). 2. The nanobombs can only be observed if amphiphilic molecules are present in the liquid at a critical concentration, in other words “encapsulated structures of carbonic acid can only exist when hydrophobic molecules are present at sufficient concentration at the surface of the beer.” 2.1. Actually, only class 2 hydrophobins were clearly purified and identified from overfoaming beer by GC-MS-MALDI-TOF spectrometry as responsible for PG. 2.2. If it is not excluded that other amphiphilic compounds present in beer it can also be responsible for PG, their exact nature and structure is still unpublished (unknown). Target 2: Inter-disciplinary scientific studies of primary gushing origins in other beverage industries (ciders, spumante, perries). Target 3: Practical trials to help the brewing industry (malting and brewing) to treat PG (based on scientific knowledge and research).

Sylvie obtained her degree in bioscience engineering in 2008 from ULg-Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. In 2009 she started her Ph.D. at KU Leuven under Guy Derdelinckx. She received the Brian Williams Scholarship from ASBC in 2011–2012 for her research on primary gushing. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2013. Her dissertation is entitled "Modeling and biophysical characterisation of primary gushing mechanism in beer: Interaction between gaseous carbon dioxide and class II hydrophobins." Since 2013, she has been responsible for research projects for a Trappist brewery in Belgium.

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